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Amazon music https://amazon.com/music/player/albums/B0BLD3VV8P?marketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER&musicTerritory=US&ref=dm_sh_qwdjV0FHNj73nNdE4NBtSbyrE
Written and composed by Dr. Blesson Memana
Music production: Blemin Babu (BB music productions)
Vocals: Blesson Memana, Blemin Babu, Bibin B. Mathew, and Shamitha Mariam Thomas
Mixed by Blemin Babu
Mastered by Renjith Rajan Music Hub Kottayam
Video production: 4th Man creations
DOP, Editing and VFX: Marshal Jose
Camera Assistance Jomin Tomi
Video Location coordination by Blesson Babu
Sports assistance from Exodus FC Kochi
Blessen Babu, Dixon Cherian, Sandeep, Clinton, Midhun, Blesson, Viji, Ajeesh, Yadhu
Special thanks to Subhash and band team
Write your reviews to memanamedia@gmail.com
Hey Ole (brave)
We pray for the nations
We cry for salvation
On our knees in one accord we believe
Better we together win this world
Cup of revival
A song for revival
Banner of victory
Argentina Mexico Poland Soudi Arabia
Ecuador Senegal Qatar Netherlands
England USA Wales and Iran
Australia Tunisia Denmark France
Brazil …
Brazil Serbia Cameron Switzerland
Costa Rica Germany Spain and Japan
Belgium Canada Croatia Morocco
Portugal Uruguay Ghana South Korea
Ole… (brave)
Let every heart be won
8 billion souls be born
Come let us win this world
No greater Joy than this
No greater victory
Soul winning revival