This is the Life - Learning the secret of being content and thankful where you are

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1984   2 years ago
anonymous | 4 subscribers
1984   2 years ago
The Messiah said “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.” (Luke 12:15)… and “You cannot serve God and riches” (Matt 6:24). It is a subtle trap from which we should be on guard. When we lack, this is somewhat easy as the boundaries of what we can buy and possess are clear. If we start to make a bit more cash though, the lines become a bit more grey and it becomes difficult to hold this temptation at bay.

I find that learning to express thanks to God where I am, for whatever I have wards off the drive to own more. Of course our reasons for wanted more have to be exposed before the Great Counselor and Healer again and again. When we let Him get to the root, we can live in contentment for what we have and where we are in life.
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