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Is the Mark of the Beast already here? Are RFID microchips or RFID chipped cards (like Argentina's Sube card) the Mark of the Beast, mentioned in The Book of Revelation (Revelation 13:16-18)? Is the Mark of the Beast Sunday worship? What should our attitude be to Mark of the Beast (666) precursors, like Radio Frequency I.D. or microchip implants? This video answers these eternally significant questions... and more! Will you accept the Mark of the Beast? Or, have you already accepted the mark of the beast?
End Time Survivors is a movement preparing people for something called "The Great Tribulation". We welcome contributions from others.
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and visit our website for more information. http://www.endtimesurvivors.com
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Hard Lessons by JayMan (www.ourmusicbox.com)
Fire Flies by Niz.co (niz.co/wp/)
Judy Davis in 'My Brilliant Career'
NSW Film Corp / The Kobal Collection https://www.npr.org/templates/story/s...
Standard Media: 'Mark of the Beast Student Loses Case'
Online Daily: List of Nigieria Official Recognised National ID cards & How to Apply for it
HB Charles Junior: Preaching as a New Pastor
'Pastor Beckoning'
Eric Valli's photos of people outside of the system
Rain effect by Dan Stevers
Distributing booklets in Yaffa Phillips (flickr.com)
Photo of 'Metrobus México' card in Esparta Plama (flickr.com)
Photo of 'TuLlave' card (flickr.com)
Images of Jesus and of biblical stories from FreeBibleimages.org and Good News Productions International and College Press Publishing