Here for:We have helped hundreds of churches in different nations, from every generation to grow to their full potential in Christ and take their place in the body of Christ. Through our products and media and traveling around the world we have helped many families to grow with God over the years. Join us as we work together to build God's kingdom.
By God's grace we will continue to see this next generation of children, young people, parents and leaders rise into their God-appointed role for this time.
If you would like to help disciple your children so that they can enjoy God's presence and be used by Him and if you would like to see the generations worshipping together then we would love to help you. Children can enjoy God's presence and remain as children. They love learning from the Bible if it is lived out in their lives. In short, children love to be discipled.
Children Can was founded in 2010 by Olly & Helen Goldenberg. Olly & Helen live in Dorset with their 5 children.
Music:Mission Unstoppable by Olly Goldenberg
I love Jesus by Olly Goldenberg
Books:At Home with God by Olly Goldenberg
Jesus your baby and you by Helen and Olly Goldenberg
The Josiah Generation by Olly Goldenberg
Give me 5 by Olly Goldenberg
Camp Survival by Olly Goldenberg
Gods Generals for kids series of 10 books by Olly Goldenberg and Roberts Liardon
Adventures of Teddy Series by Olly Goldenberg
Early steps with Jesus - Creche training by Olly Goldenberg
TV Shows:'At Home with God' on TBNUK Hosts Olly and Helen Goldenberg
Children Can has two core purposes:
1. To see God revive the next generation.
2. To reconnect the generations.
God can encounter children even while they are in the womb. Young children can encounter and delight in God's presence. With God on their side children are able to do all things. Children of all ages can be filled with the Holy Spirit and instructed by God's Holy word. As children encounter God they go deeper in intercession, deeper in worship and become more passionate to tell their friends about what Jesus has done for them. In the same way, young people can delight in their service to Jesus. This is what God wants the next generation to enjoy with Him.
For this to happen, parents are the most important part of God's plan to raise a generation. Because of this our ministry has a big emphasis on parents and what takes place at home. From our TBN television programme, to a number of resources, we want to empower parents that they can do what God has called them to do and raise children in the faith. God believes that parents have what it takes to raise this generation (even if parents sometimes struggle to believe in themselves!).
Parents are not alone in this task. God intends for families to be supported and surrounded by the wider church. Expressions of church where generations mix together are not only a key part of faith formation for children, they are also an important aspect of worship for the whole community. As children grow up, they need to be protected from evil, this has led to us launching a prayer campaign against the abuse of children in Colombia. Children also needed to be prepared and released into adulthood so they too can take their place in church. Teenagers are the young adults of the church. The word teenager does not exist in the Bible (you can hear more about this in a 1 minute clip - 06 Teenagers in the Bible). Our teenagers are not waiting to be entertained, they are wanting to experience the reality of God in their lives and are looking for a cause that is worth living for. There is no greater cause than the cause of Christ.
These values have led us to serve the generations across the nations. We have worked with children and young people for over 30 years including 15 years, as Children's Pastors of one of the largest Children's Ministries in Europe. We have seen many children used powerfully by God and excited to serve Him on a daily basis: Worshipping God for an hour at a time, spending hours in prayer to Him, transformed to live for God in their schools, leading their friends to Jesus, praying for the sick and seeing them healed, seeing miracles and preaching the Gospel to around 100 of their school friends at a time.