Randy Bell | 7 STEPS Episode 12: Time To Stand Up And Serve Part 1 (audio/video)

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656   3 years ago
RandyBell | 1 subscriber
656   3 years ago
Transitioning into Phase 3 leads to a brand new plane of living. First the big idea is the ability to stand strong and serve both God and the Christian family around you. This means taking the BIG STEP 5 through developing godliness into your life. The primary way this is evident is seen through Jesus. “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:26-28 (NLT2) God is the king of LOVE which is sacrificial giving.

Phase 3 begins your life of serving “…because you are strong and vigorous, and the Word of God is [always] abiding in you (in your hearts), and you have been victorious over the wicked one.” John 2:14 (AMP)

“Since by your obedience to the Truth through the [Holy ] Spirit you have purified your hearts for the sincere affection of the brethren, [see that you] love one another fervently from a pure heart.”
1 Peter 1:22 (AMP)


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